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The Dream in Latin.

Falling into the starlight, is it a dream or life and death?

Will you still be you, at the end of the world? Who are you?

(1)Belated hello
Yesterday I accepted your friend request
My eyes followed you
Painting, sailing, camping
Caressing a cat
That night in a dream
Fireworks smashed the sky
I harbored against a glacier
Soaking my feet in the rivulet
You sidled up to me, bent down and
Whispered in my ear
I kissed you, tasted like pear smoothie
This morning we came across at the school corridor
You said hello
Eyes beaming at me
Moist as a kiss 
While I was staring your cheek and counting your fuzz
which dissipated the mist in a blink
I love the one more
who treat me in coldness

The distance between our shoulders bereft my organs
frosted my torso
Heart scampered away
a rabbit fleed
I pretended I wasn't aware of you
Your figure blurred
Strangled me
Your eerie air
shrouded me
Could you hear my belated hello 
My eroded tongue told 
The glacier about you

This is a love letter to myself. 

Could you still recognize that you are me?

But I still love the world and you.

Do you still have any memories of the green and the stream?


The only thing I want

Rowing quietly on the verdant stream
There are some little wildflowers beside it pink and purple
The depression is a gradual turquoise
Occasionally a huge black monster appeared
The light from the boat gradually passed my sight
I was still quietly rowing
There should be some lovely hills up ahead
Sometimes I see the hills with tears of joy
Then I went back to where I was and lay and looked up at the sun


旁边有一些小野花 粉红的 紫的
偶尔冒出一只巨大的 黑色的 怪兽
前面应该有几座小山 很可爱
有时看见小山 我留下湿润的泪水 喜悦
然后我回到原来的地方 躺着看天上的太阳

I didn't force it. 

The Heart Wants what is wants.

Yet here we are,

have to follow the heart.

(3)If you don't go out

Sitting at home
I asked the neighborhood uncle to tune my old piano
and bought a new piano blanket with a rough lace pattern

I played it randomly
The staff is like English stationery from school
The notes have escaped for years
For years

He would run up the stairs
Hiding from the darkness that's coming

There was no dog thumping on the spiral staircase
Footprints hidden by black cats
The imp in the dark waited and waited
Wait for the child to play the piano
It is still in



新买了摸着粗糙 蕾丝花纹的盖琴毯



The heart is beyond space and time.

Would you like to drink with me at our home?


Menology pushed affections away
sobs but reef  blocked my eyes
two parallel universes and aloof stairs

Misty shadow writhed to flee
cut me in silhouette
delved inmost debris

Shadows scattered on the lawn

I thought

love your shadows
no escapes

I was once afraid of our likeness.

Will you take my place one day?


Want the world to be a better place but it is a better place

and the infinite multiverse and the love
It's a good life

it's a good life in this world

it's romantic to be mud and dust and everything comes naturally
They are all illusions but illusions are also cute

good friends with energy

We will eventually become a flower for energy to pass away
A flower without a name

then she shrivels

tears in the mud

and leaves little flowers

round and round and round
one in one


希望世界越来越美好 可是世界本来就那么美好 无限个多重宇宙也好美好 爱也好
美好 生活在这个世上好美好 化作泥士和尘埃也很浪漫 而一切都是自然而然一切
都是幻象 但是幻象也很美好 与能量做好朋友 我们终究为能量逝去 逝去成为一朵
一朵没有名字的花 然后她枯萎 淤泥中流泪 泪水开出一朵朵小花 周而复始 谁的谁
谁的谁 都是无名氏


Life time as the unreal dream


she said why over and over again

她说为何 来一遭又一遭








地心间 饕餮盛宴 进行时




千年亦转 终年漂泊的岩石


爸爸 妈妈 朋友 可爱地、会说话地宠物


普罗米修斯 的漂流故事

海浪拍打 海水倒灌 沧海桑田 亿年万年



how do u feel about that 

the untold and unadmitted story

宇宙之外 开满鲜花的河谷呢


Aloe, Aloe, Aloe

Dr. Tea of W.Milk Foam

Gazes through the large window of castle

Day and Work

Made of juicy Strawberry Green

only a touch

of ye



birds laid in a rainy day

None thing of dreams

blossoms of petals

Then was demolish, eternal


Forgive the devoid of excuses 

Wind, Wings

Winter times, Iced Lime, Half Sugar




(8) Original Classic Chinese Poem

青花江汝泪不榴, 墨西染, 重游故地。
蜀地灵, 然幼不戌, 非举贤任亲。
破瓜时懵学为君, 迟无终。
癸卯年癸亥月夜, 拨雾而出,毋云歉意。
即七杀年七杀月, 小女匍卿生意前,不懈于学。
难觅长清归家还,创基业,缀珠玉, 亲遇知音。
守信和力, 辰光微倾,取甲木曰路曲直。



In ancient blue and white,

the Jiang and Ru weep,

their tears not for pomegranates,

dyed in Western ink,

as I revisit the places of old.

In Sichuan's spirit realm,

innocence remains unguarded,

not for lack of noble deeds or kinship ties.


A time of broken melons, naive in learning to lead, finds no end in delay. Past rains and present ends converge,

as dreams fade into the scenery.

On a foggy night in the year of Gui-Mao, Gui-Hai month,

emerging without a hint of regret.

In the year and month of the Seven Killings,

the young lady ventures forth, unwavering in her pursuit of knowledge.

Longing for a return to the clarity of home,

to lay foundations, to string pearls and jade, and to meet a kindred spirit.


With trust and strength,

as the day slightly tilts, choosing the path of Jia wood, winding or straight.

Crafted by Yun Luozi (Hyun's Daoist Name), in the month of Jia-Zi, on the day of Yi-Mao, during the hour of Chou, from the distant shores of the western lands.

Sweetie, we are one being.

See your words, 

and you know where I am.

We don't have a name,

for we used to be the universe,

and earth,

so as "now".

On the 10th's day of your 19th birthday

You are reminded of the existence of old dreams

Flower wouldn't wither in the deep ocean?

Some ancient sentences are good at deceiving.!

Ah, continue dreaming.

Thanks for myself.

From Author Hyan Chen:                   This is only a part of the content of the book, is still moving and updated, please stay tuned.


3-2 Room, 319 Hao

Changjiang Bingjiang Road

Yuzhong District, Chongqing Municipality, China






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​copyright by XUAN CHEN

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